Saturday, October 3, 2015


Gitali Borpatra Gohain

We need to protect children. We need to preserve the right for freedom of choice and right to give the informed consent when a child is about to get a vaccine. Isn’t that what this is all about for an individual to do and doctors advice-the pros and cons-the alternatives. One of the alternatives is when it comes to vaccine is doing nothing.

It is the obligation of an individual not to allow anyone to die or to get sick of vaccine preventable diseases. This is not only a fight of the Ministry of Health. It is the fight of the whole country. It is a fight in which we need every partner.

What can be done being an individual?

Tell the parents how important it is for children to receive the vaccination.

Help by going around and giving flyers around the neighborhood.

Help guide the mothers to bring in their children for the injections.

Feel as though they are our children and that we are helping and serving and feel happy to serve them.

This immunization is important for a good future. Children will grow up without getting sick from serious diseases. Though the vaccination rate is increasing, these diseases continue to claim more than 300 children a day. 

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